Welcome to Monkey Puzzle Cheam. A beautiful nursery setting offering outstanding childcare to Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers aged 3 months to 5 years old.

Our Visions and Values

When we think about Hygge in the Early Years we are focusing on the FEELING. We feel that no matter what their background or situation, “Every child needs a champion”. We as educators stand up for what our children need, value each child as an individual and understand that each child has the potential to learn from their surroundings in their unique ways. Our vision shapes all aspects of teaching and learning from the planning process, the interactions between staff and child and the learning environment.

By working in partnership with parents, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging environment which is:

  • A home away from home
  • Warm, simplistic and joyful
  • A space to connect children to their families
  • Helping children to be powerful and active
  • Seeing oneself as a capable learner
  • Recognizing and being curious

Shared Values

  • Respect for children and childhood
  • A positive image of children as competent, capable, strong and powerful, who have enormous potential
  • The holistic learning climate has a significant impact on children
  • Playing outdoors, experiencing the natural environment is crucial
  • Well-being, co-operation, and teamwork are valued
  • Reciprocal relationships between children and adults are vital
  • To create a “laboratory of possibilities”
  • Parents are respected and valued
  • Relationships with the whole community and children’s wider environment are very important

Trips, Visits and Special Events

We believe in the importance of children exploring the ‘outside world’, even if it is only in the immediate local community i.e. the park, local shops, post office. We may offer to take them on a visit further afield – perhaps to the theatre, allotments, nature walks which would involve travelling to further areas around Cheam. The staff ratios are increased on these occasions. We inform parents of any planned trips well in advance. These are lovely opportunities for the children to be involved in and welcome parental support on such days.

Photographs and Video

This is a high profile Nursery setting. Staff from the setting will be sharing its good practice with parents and during staff trainings. This can only be done with the use of high-quality images of the work we do with children – showing exemplary practice. We, therefore, ask parents’ permission to be able to present images/footage of children playing and working in our setting.

In a similar way, there may be times when we are asked to present our work in local newspapers, or on our website. These are all exciting opportunities to share our work and hopefully have an impact on other professionals. During the registration process, we offer parents a consent form, asking permission for their child to form part of this documentation, hoping that they will feel a sense of pride.